Our LUV Board has created a wish list of items we need to spread LUV.
We keep wishing upon a star, dreaming together.
If you are able to assist us in this journey, we truly thank you from our heart.
Our wish list includes drones, SPOT, the Agile Mobile Robot from Boston Dynamics. We need licenses and several SPOTs for our culinary arts locations, our outreach across the US and for training purposes.
Please contact sales at Boston Dynamics to assist us.
There is a link below directly to sales at Boston Dynamics to assist us.
Wish List
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation click below.
If you would like to donate an item on our with list, please
Ship to the address in Salado, Tx. below.
Your donation will help us spread the LUV and purchase the items we need.
email us:
Wishes do come true.
Our LuvBoard has made a wish list.
Our friends over at STEMfinity have a long list from us as well. LOL.
The items will help us spread LUV throughout the US, and hopefully world someday with opportunities for everyone.
Wishes come true.
Please donate all items to
LUV/SPIRIT P.O. Box 451 Salado, Tx. 76571